Business Acquisition

Unlocking Growth Opportunities Through Strategic Acquisitions

At Homesearch Properties, we understand the dynamic nature of the real estate industry and the importance of strategic growth. Led by Tonu Aboaba, our team is dedicated to expanding our portfolio by actively acquiring businesses related to real estate. Our goal is to integrate these businesses seamlessly, fostering innovation, enhancing service delivery, and creating value for all stakeholders.

Property Management

Why Sell Your Business to Homesearch Properties?

  1. Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the real estate sector, Homesearch Properties brings a wealth of knowledge and a track record of successful acquisitions. Our deep understanding of market dynamics allows us to identify and unlock potential in every acquisition.
  2. Seamless Integration: We prioritize the smooth transition of operations, ensuring that your business continues to thrive post-acquisition. Our integration process is designed to preserve the unique strengths of your business while leveraging our resources for growth.
  3. Tailored Solutions: Each acquisition is unique, and so are our solutions. We offer flexible acquisition structures, including share purchases, asset purchases, and consideration of deferred payments to meet your specific needs and goals.
  4. Financial Strength: Homesearch Properties has the financial capacity to execute acquisitions efficiently and effectively. Our robust acquisition finance options, such as asset-based lending and revolving credit facilities, ensure timely and smooth transactions.
  5. Commitment to Growth: We are not just buying businesses; we are investing in their future. Our commitment to growth means we support acquired businesses with the necessary resources, strategic direction, and operational enhancements to scale new heights.

The Acquisition Process

Initial Consultation

We begin with a comprehensive discussion to understand your business, goals, and expectations. This allows us to tailor our approach and offer you the best possible deal.

Due Diligence

Our due diligence process is thorough yet streamlined, ensuring a detailed analysis of your business’s financial, legal, and operational aspects. We maintain transparency and open communication throughout this phase.

Valuation and Offer

Based on our due diligence findings, we provide a fair and competitive valuation of your business. Our offer is structured to reflect the true value of your business, with consideration for both immediate and future performance.

Negotiation and Agreement

We work collaboratively to finalize the terms of the acquisition, ensuring that all parties are satisfied. This includes negotiating the Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) or Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) and any other relevant documentation.

Completion and Handover

Upon agreement, we move to the completion phase, ensuring all legalities are in place for a smooth transition. A handover period is arranged to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and operations.

Types of Businesses We Acquire

Homesearch Properties is interested in acquiring a diverse range of real estate-related businesses, including but not limited to:

  • Property Management Firms
  • Real Estate Brokerages
  • Construction and Development Companies
  • Facilities Management Services
  • PropTech Companies
  • Etc, as long as related to Real Estate


Get in Touch

If you are considering selling your business or exploring acquisition opportunities, we would love to hear from you.

Contact us today to discuss how Homesearch Properties can help you achieve your business goals.

Let’s unlock new growth opportunities together.